Subagent is a real SNMP Agent based on Twisted SNMP. It configures its own OIDs and listen for SNMP requests on configured port.
Most often this is a subagent contacted through a main SNMP agent configured with the proxy directive
Initialize SNMP Agent.
Fill some OIDs of mib2.system with this SNMP Agent info. Then set additional OIDs with functions to retrieve specific regex attributes.
OIDs exposed are base_oid + “.” + one of the following indexes + <index of regex in regex_list + 1>:
In the end create the Agent object and let the reactor listen to specific UDP port for SNMP requests
Returns agent: | created agentObject |
Exceptions twisted_error.cannotlistenerror: | |
if port is not available |
Initialize rector.
Parameters: |
Returns None: |
Given an OID, retrieve regex object in regex_list
Parameters: |
Returns: | an instance of regex.BaseRegex |
Retrieve regex label by oid
Returns: | string |
Retrieve regex string by oid
Returns: | string |
Retrieve regex exit_if_matched flag status by oid
Returns: | int |
Retrieve regex last_matched timestamp by oid
Returns: | int |
Retrieve regex match counter value by oid
Returns: | pysnmp.proto.rfc1902.Counter32 instance |